Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Luna Park Smores

For "the Best" chocolatey, elegant, delicious dessert you've ever eaten in your life make "Luna Park Smores" at home! IN-CRE-DI-BLE! I saw this fabulous dessert featured on an episode of The Best Thing I Ever Ate! and I can truly see why!

Imagine this.... you've eaten dinner but have naturally left room for dessert..... you're anticipating something warm, smooth and chocolatey to perfectly compliment your after dinner coffee.... and here it comes.... What is it? How did they???? You've never seen anything like this!!! S'Mores?, campfires? marshmallows? so pretty.... so toasted... so succulent looking..... I smell the graham cracker....., the chocolate is heated.... it wafts thru the air!!!, That's it! I've got to dive in! And so it begins..... You take the graham cracker, dip it in some chocolate.... your mouth is watering... it's messy but you're long past the point of caring.... and now, the final conquest.... you break into the crusty toasted oooey, gooey marshmallow sticky goodness and smear some on your chocolate cracker..... !!! You're exploding with excitement on the inside but you're still careful to get some of the charred mallow as well as lots of the gooey goodness!
Ohhhhh ladies and gentlemen..... this- is- bliss! If you're a restauranteur, this needs to be on your menu! Bon Appetit my friends!

This recipe and photograph was posted courtesy of "

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE s'mores. What an elegant way to serve them. Thanks for the email. I found you!
